Saturday, March 31, 2007

With All I Am

It never cease to amaze me that my tears starts to flow everytime I listen to the song, With All I Am by Hillsongs, Australia. The lyrics may be simple, but it's so powerful. It's such a great reminder to many of us that nothing is impossible for Him. He holds our world, including all of our struggles, pains, hurts, joy in the palm of His hands. All we need to do is to trust that He is in control of our life and will in return provide us what He has promised. This is a song that has touched and changed my life.....

Verse 1:
Into Your hands I commit again
All I am for You Lord
You hold my world in the palm of Your hands
And I am Yours Forever

Jesus, I believe in You
Jesus, I belong to You
You're the reason that I live
The reason that I sing
With all I am

Verse 2:
I walk with You wherever You will go
Through tears and joy I'll trust in You
And I will live in all of Your ways
And Your promises forever

I will worship
I will worship, You

The Best Relationship

By Gail Rodgers

The relationships that mean the most to us are often the ones we are hardest on.While we maintain a polite and pleasant demeanor away from home, the frustrations often come out at home where we feel safe to let off the day's steam.

Life's pressures can drive a wedge into the relationships we treasure most. It's important to be intentional about building into the people we love and care about. In order to keep the relationships you treasure at their BEST, remember these four steps.

Bless those you care about by speaking life words into their character. Pay attention and point out the character qualities that bless others. Use them to speak back blessing. By focusing on building words you will find the "warmth" factor in your relationship will grow as well. When there are things that need addressing, ask God to guide you in speaking words that will not destroy.

Encourage those you care about in their daily circumstances. Listen well to the things they have to say. Communication dries up when we don't really pay attention to what the other person is saying. We each get lost in our own cares. Listen for the feelings behind the words and seek to bring hope. Let your support be known even when the solutions are not.

Share thoughts, ideas, time and experiences. When we become too busy to share ourselves with those we love, erosion and indifference can slip in. Be intentional about sharing life together. Take time to talk and share ideas or concerns. Time to pray together and dream together won't be there unless you make it. Let those you care about know this is important to you and prioritize it.

Touch those you love in appropriate and loving ways. Touch is one of our most basic needs. Taking a hand, giving a hug, putting your hand on the arm or back can do much to convey care and warmth. In a marriage include lots of non-sexual touching as well. Often a simple touch can melt away a barrier and re-connect two people.

Strong relationships don't just happen...they are intentionally built into.

"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Philippians 2:4).

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Walking With One Another

"Greet one another." Romans 16:16
"Be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2
"Be kind and compassionate to one another." Ephesians 4:32
"Accept one another." Romans 15:7
"Serve one another in love." Galatians 5:13
"Encourage one another." 1 Thessalonians 4:18
"Build each other up." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Don't slander one another." James 4:11
"Don't grumble against each other." James 5:9
"Forgive each other." Ephesians 4:32
"Confess your sins to each other." James 5:16
"Stop passing judgment on one another." Romans 14:13
"Be at peace with each other." Mark 9:50
"Be devoted to one another." Romans 12:10
"Carry each other's burdens." Galatians 6:2
"Teach and admonish one another with all wisdom." Colossians 3:16
"Pray for each other." James 5:16
"Spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24
"Love one another." John 13:34

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Time For Everything

"He has made everything beautiful in its time" (Ecclesiates 3:11)

Today, I receive the following encouragement sms from Ricky, a Christian brother:

"There is a time to serve Him. There is a time to rest and wait. God will lift you up for Him when the right time comes"

Human nature tends to want everything right now. Most of us get impatient and we're always in a hurry. When we pray for our dreams to come to pass, we want them to be fulfilled immediately. But we have to understand, God has an ap­pointed time to answer our prayers and to bring our dreams to pass. And the truth is, no matter how badly we want it sooner, no matter how much we pray and plead with God, it’s not going to change His appointed time. It’s still going to happen on God’s timetable.

When we understand God’s timing, however, we won’t live all stressed out. We can relax knowing that God is in control, and at the perfect time He is going to make it happen. It may be next week, six months time, next year, or ten years from now. But whenever it is, we can rest assured that it will be in God’s perfect timing.

When we are trusting God, we can be at peace knowing that at the right time, God will keep His promise.

"I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him" (Ecclesiates 3:14)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Getting To The Heart Of The Matter

God tells us to guard our hearts above all else-above our lives, our faith, our relationships, our dreams or whatever else we hold dear. As the scripture states: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" (Proverbs 4:23)

Why is this important to God? The answer is in the word wellspring, which can also be interpreted as "source". The heart is the source of life. When God created us, He made our hearts central to our being-physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Physically, the heart is at the center of the circulatory system. It pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body. If the heart has trouble, the entire body is in danger of losing its life-giving flow of blood.

Spiritually, the heart is the place that the Holy Spirit dwells when we invite Him into our life. "I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with the power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith" (Ephesians 3:16-17)

Emotionally, the heart leaps for joy when we delight in something or someone. It also aches when we experience disappointment or loss.

The heart is the core of all we are and experience in life, so when God says to guard it above all else, He is saying, "Protect the source of your life-the physical, spiritual and emotional source of your well-being." If your heart is not pure, neither will your thoughts, words and actions be pure. We need to be wise about the direction we allow our heart to go.

God didn't design our hearts to be completely satisfied in human relationships but only in relationship with Him. Once we get filled up with His love, we will be able to love others with integrity. When our relationships are healthy and appropriate, we can respect other people and protect their hearts as well. When God sees we are guarding our hearts, He will reward us with an even greater revelation of Himself and His extravagant love for us.

All The Earth

Into Your courts I will enter
Maker of heaven and earth
I tremble
In Your holy presence

Glory in Your sanctuary
Splendor and majesty Lord
Before You
All life adores You

All the earth
Will declare
That your love is everywhere
The fields will exalt
Seas resound

Hear the trees
Joyful cry
Praising You and so will I
A new song I'll sing
Lord I will glorify and bless Your holy name

Jeses Lord of all life and salvation
Into Your presence we come
We worship
You our precious Savior

Fill us
Fill us with Your holy power
Set us aflame with Your love
Till nations all know Your glory

Lord I will glorify and bless Your name
Glorify and bless Your name
Glorify and bless Your name
Glorify and bless Your name
Glorify and bless Your holy name

Friday, March 16, 2007

Bible Verse~Philippians 4:13

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Actually Thai @ Sunway Pyramid

6 of us were gathered. Originally there were supposed to be 8 of us altogether but 2 of them couldn't make it for dinner. No specific occasion. Just dinner and warm fellowship. I can't deny the fact that we were the loudest and noisiest table in the restaurant especially with the presence of Jimmy and Justin. Overall.....we enjoyed ourselves with the surrounding of good food, nice environment and warm fellowship!!

Left to right: Myself, Justin, Luke, Jimmy, Yee Weng and Sian Lin

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Inner Beauty

I would like to thank one of my Christian friends for bringing up the issue pertaining to girls and beauty. He asked, "Is beauty really important to girls?"; "Do girls go for facial to take care of their skin or to impress other people especially guys?" His questions got me thinking for a while and because of that, I felt that it was important to share the significance of inner beauty especially to all my girl friends so that they will be blessed.

If a young woman is full of sexual and emotionally integrity, her thoughts, words, emotions and actions reflect an inner beauty and a sincere love for God, others and herself.

She does not need to dress sexily to seek male attention, but she'll dress fashionably and look sharp and maybe even appear sexy to a guy (like beauty, 'sexy' is in the eye of the beholder and some guys will think she looks sexy even when she dress modestly), but her motivation won't be self seeking or seductive. She will be able to present herself as an attractive young woman because she knows she represent God to others.

Jesus was saying that the law isn't what is important-love is. If she loves God, loves her neighbour and loves herself, then she can live far above any set of rules and regulations. When she lives by the spirit of love, her beauty will shine from the inside out.

God holds each of us accountable to do what we know to do. If she wants to be a young woman of sexual integrity, she may need to let go of some of her freedom in dressing, thoughts, speech and behaviour in order to serve the best interest of others out of love. Not only will God provide this knowledge of how to act with integrity, He will also honor her if she applies this knowledge and act with responsibility.

A young woman needs to look to God to satisfy her physical, mental, emotional or spiritual longings for the opposite sex according to God's plan and until they can be fulfilled in a marriage relationship. It simply means that she tries her best to guard her heart, mind and body against any compromise that threatens her sexual integrity. If she wants to be a young woman of sexual and emotional integrity, she must match her words, thoughts, actions and convictions with God's Word. When all four of these things agree with one another and align with the Word of God, she is acting with sexual and emotional integrity. But if one area is out of alignment with God's Word, she has compromised her sexual integrity, regardless of how far she has gone physically.

Physical beauty isn't going to last forever and that our primary focus shouldn't be on outward beauty. However, beauty comes from loving and serving God with a happy heart is a beauty that endures forever even when her figure has fallen south and wrinkles adorn her face. True beauty doesnt come from fresh makeup, the latest hairstyle or how she looks in a beautiful dress. Rather it radiates from the inside out, from a heart that delights in the Lord.

Promise from God:

1) Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised-Proverbs 31:30

2) Your beauty should not come from outward adournment, such as braided hair and wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful.-1 Peter 3:3-5

3) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. -Matthew 22:37-40

Monday, March 5, 2007

Ibridge Chap Goh Mei Dinner @ Wai Sei Kai, SS2

Myself, Florence and Sian Lin


Saturday, March 3, 2007

Back for shopping spree

It's been almost 2 months I've never gone for a real shopping spree. Feels like I have lost the momentum and I guess today it's time for me to get back into something I enjoy doing very much. Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! This time I will be shopping alone to get some time off from everything that has happened and is currently happening in my life. My favourite shopping place is the Flea Market at The Curve. I am able to get cheap, nice and affordable girls' stuff there. I will be heading there in a few hours time. After that, I will be meeting my sister Jess for dinner. May God bless my shopping and fellowship!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Does God Answers Our Prayer?

A few issues in my life happened recently and it has brought me closer to God through prayer, doing my quiet time and most importantly, by placing God first in my everyday routine.

Whenever we face problems or struggles in life, first we need to confess our sins, then give it all to God and He will lift up your burdens if you continue to trust in Him and obey His commands. God does not answer prayers immediately after we pray. When we pratice patience, exercise faith and wait upon Him, He hears our prayers if our hearts are right with Him and the willingness to obey with our actions. As the scripture says, " We can be confident that he wil listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will." (1 John 5:14). God answered my prayer after 2 months of consistent and persistent prayer.

Hannah prayed for a child and the Lord granted her what she asked. (1 Samuel 1:17) God answers every prayer in His way and in His time. Do not give up! Continue to pray and have faith in Him!!!

Sometimes, we find that God answers prayer by giving us not what we ask for but something better. "Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, my power works best in your weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:8-9)

Promise from God: 1 Peter 3:12-The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right and his ears are open to their prayers.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Prayer Before Starting Work

My Heavenly Father, as I enter this work place,
I bring Your presence with me.
I speak Your peace, Your grace, Your mercy,
and Your perfect order into this office.
I acknowledge Your power over all that
will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls.

Lord, I thank You for the gifts You have blessed me with.
I commit to using them responsibly in Your honor.
Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job.
Anoint my projects, ideas, and energy,
so that even my smallest accomplishment
may bring You glory.
Lord, when I am confused, guide me.
When I am weary, energize me. When I am
burned out, infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit
May the work that I do and the way I do it bring
faith, joy, and a smile to all that I come in
contact with today.
And oh Lord, when I leave this place, give me traveling mercy.
Bless my family and home to be in order as I left it.

Lord, I thank you for everything You've done,
everything You're doing, and everything You're going to do.
In the Name of Jesus I pray, with much love and Thanksgiving..... Amen